Patient Education
Live Better
Do you feel it’s important your dermatologist listen to your concerns and act with genuine care and expertise? We do, and that is the way we have been caring for our patients since we opened our doors. Our first priority when treating you is to take the time to learn about you and your skin health, from your perspective. Then our board-certified dermatologist steps in and evaluates and performs tests as necessary to begin the proper course of treatment as soon as possible.
If you’re concerned about a dermatological issue, let us help. For newborns to geriatric patients, below is a list of just some of the conditions we treat. Whether your concern involves acne, a rash, or skin cancer removal, we use state-of-the-art technology and treatments to deliver the healthy skin you deserve.
August is Psoriasis Awareness Month!
Psoriasis Triggers: Identifying and Avoiding Flare-Ups Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It is characterized by red, inflamed patches of skin covered...
What You Need to Know About UV Radiation
Understanding UV Radiation: What You Need to Know July is UV Safety Awareness Month, the perfect time to deepen your understanding of UV radiation and its effects on your skin. At our dermatology...
Acne Awareness Month: Understanding the Impact of Diet, Environment, and Hormones on Your Skin
Acne Awareness Month: Understanding the Impact of Diet, Environment, and Hormones on Your Skin June is Acne Awareness Month – a good time to take a moment and better understand one of the most...
Understanding Fitzpatrick Skin Types: A Guide to Personalized Skin Care
Understanding Fitzpatrick Skin Types: A Guide to Personalized Skin Care Skin comes in many different tones and textures, each unique to the individual. Understanding your skin type is crucial for...
Rosacea Awareness Month: Understanding The Condition
April is Rosacea Awareness Month, a time to raise awareness about this common but often misunderstood skin condition. Rosacea affects millions of people worldwide, yet misconceptions lead to delays...
Sanitizers and Cleaning Products May Be Causing Your Itchy, Dry Skin
Sanitizers and Cleaning Products May Be Causing Your Itchy, Dry Skin With cold and flu season in full swing, many of us have ramped up our efforts to keep germs away and started washing our hands...
How to Treat Heat Rash in Bed Rest Patients
Rashes are among the most common skin conditions, arising from a number of causes, both environmental and internal. When the body detects a foreign substance or sudden change, the skin may react and...
Treating Acne with Laser Therapy
If you have acne, you’re not alone. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, acne affects about 50 million Americans each year, making it the most common skin ailment around. But just...
What are the Common Causes of Eczema?
If you’ve never had to deal with eczema yourself, odds are good that you know at least one person who has, or currently is. Atopic dermatitis, the most prevalent form of eczema, affects more than 3...
How Your Nail Shape Can Help You Understand and Treat Your Health
Generally speaking, our bodies are pretty good at letting us know that something is wrong. We might not know what’s wrong, exactly, or why, but we can usually sense the warning signs or the presence...
Exploring Mohs Micrographic Surgery and Its Benefits
According to the American Academy of Dermatology, skin cancer is the most prevalent form of cancer in the U.S., affecting approximately one in five Americans during their lifetime and more than 3...
How Psoriatic Arthritis Can Affect the Joints
Our bodies are like ecosystems, with every individual part affecting another. A disease or condition that affects one part of your body might also lead to problems elsewhere. While skin ailments...
Do You Believe These Myths About Warts and Their Treatment?
In folklore and myth, warts have long been associated with witches, swampy regions, and wicked spells. While all of this is whimsical and imaginative, the truth about warts isn’t nearly as...
Skin Cancer: What You Should Know About the Symptoms and Signs
Cancer comes in many forms and skin cancer is the most common, according to the Skin Cancer Foundation. In fact, by the age of 70, approximately 20% of Americans will experience some kind of skin...
Acne Scarring: The 6 Best Treatments
Even after you've gotten rid of a stubborn pimple, you may be left with an unpleasant reminder in the form of a scar. These scars form when the dermis (underlying skin tissue) is damaged, typically...
How Can I Prepare for My Tattoo Removal?
When you initially get a tattoo, the last thing on your mind is having it removed. After all, one of the main appeals of tattoos is their permanence. However, as time goes on, you may...
What You Should Know About Pregnancy & Varicose Veins
Anyone who has given birth can tell you that pregnancy has its ups and downs. This phase of life puts a lot of stress on a woman’s body, leading to discomfort as well as physical, mental, and...
How to Smooth Facial Wrinkles and Lines
One of the more common and visible signs of aging is the formation of wrinkles on the skin (particularly the face), which emerge as skin becomes drier and less elastic. While there is nothing...
The Best Treatments for Children and Babies with Eczema
Eczema holds the title for the most common skin condition in adults and children alike. In fact, most people afflicted with eczema experience their first symptoms at a very young age. Research has...
8 Things to Know About Vitiligo
Some people with vitiligo, a skin condition that alters and removes certain portions of one’s skin pigmentation, may want to seek treatment to restore their skin color. Whatever the case may be,...
Sclerotherapy Treatments: What You Can Expect
For nearly a century now, sclerotherapy has been used as an effective treatment for varicose veins and spider veins. During the treatment, a saline solution (also known as a sclerosing agent) is...
CoolSculpting® 101: A New Way to Conquer Stubborn Fat
There are plenty of well-marketed but inefficient weight loss and fat-reduction solutions (or outright scams) out there. But there are also real advancements in technology that can help patients...
Moles vs Skin Cancer: The Signs You Should Know
You may have read somewhere that moles are linked to skin cancer. While this is true, that statement alone can be misleading and alarming. Moles and skin cancer are related but they are not one and...
How Cosmetic Acne Treatments Can Restore Confidence
No matter how common acne may be, it can still produce feelings of depression, frustration, and embarrassment, intruding on our social lives and affecting our careers and relationships. The good...
What Are the Common Causes and Symptoms of Rosacea?
Rosacea affects more than 3 million Americans each year and over 16 million Americans in total. This means that it’s one of the most common skin conditions, right up there with acne and eczema....
Preventing Infection, Cracking, and Discomfort in Your Eczema
While eczema itself is often not a serious problem on its own, eczema-related infections can be quite serious and require immediate attention. As such, it’s important to do everything you can to...
Squamous Cell Carcinoma: What are the Warning Signs?
Skin, our largest organ, protects us from all sorts of environmental harm – but what’s protecting it? Clothing and sunscreen can provide an extra barrier, but our skin is ultimately more exposed to...
Discovering the Power of Hyaluronic Acid
The human body produces a variety of substances that contribute to its growth and maintenance. However, as we age, our bodies may slow down the production of some of these naturally-occurring...
Alopecia: Spotting the Early Signs
Alopecia is an umbrella term for several different types of hair loss. While there is not yet a cure for alopecia, this condition is treatable. As with most conditions, starting treatment early on...
Light Therapy: Exploring a Surprising Vitiligo Treatment
In the past, little could be done to treat vitiligo and its symptoms. In recent years, however, breakthroughs in medical technology have begun paving the way for new and potentially highly effective...
The Benefits of Surgical Treatments for Skin Growths
Most people have at least some kind of growth (or growths) somewhere on their skin, whether it’s a mole, collection of freckles, or skin tags. In many cases, these growths are benign, not presenting...
How You Can Treat Cold Sores and Other Herpes Symptoms
Herpes is a deceptive ailment. Once contracted, this viral infection sticks around forever, but it doesn’t always make itself known. Instead, the herpes virus may lie dormant for years before...
Jeuveau: Discovering the New, Cheaper Alternative to Botox
Are you sick and tired of your frown lines, also known as glabellar lines or “the elevens” staring back at you in the mirror? Since 2002, Dermatologists have recommended Botox to do the job of...
How Latisse© Can Give You Thicker Eyelashes
Eyelashes are more important than we might think. These short hairs that jut from our eyelids actually protect our eyes from debris, namely dust and dirt. That said, eyelashes are most commonly...
The 10 Best Treatments for Your Psoriasis
A number of skin conditions result in red, itchy skin, but psoriasis can be especially distressing, sometimes causing pain, joint stiffness, and bleeding. If you suffer from this ailment, you may...
How You Can Reduce Your Double Chin
We’re often told to keep our chin up, but this can be difficult when there’s another one holding it down. A double chin isn’t necessarily a sign of poor health, but it can harm your self-esteem and...
What are Cysts and How Can I Treat Them?
A cyst is an enclosed sac of tissue containing fluids, gases, and/or semi-solid materials that occurs anywhere on or inside the body. Some cysts can cause discomfort, pain, and even point to a more...
What Do I Need to Know About Shingles?
Most people who contracted chickenpox as children were too young to remember it, and they don’t worry about getting it again. After all, we develop an immunity to chickenpox after going through it....
Deadly Moles: Knowing When to See a Doctor
Some call them beauty marks. Others call them by their medical name, nevi. But most commonly, those dark, brown, sometimes protruding spots on your skin are known as moles. Most people have at least...
What You Should Know About Popular Dermal Fillers
Over time, everyone’s skin loses its elasticity, leading to facial lines, wrinkles, and other signs of aging. In the past, little could be done about this fact. However, this is no longer the case....
Who Is a Good Candidate for Mohs Micrographic Surgery?
Mohs micrographic surgery remains the most effective method for eliminating skin cancer, namely basal cell carcinoma (BCC) and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). During this treatment, the cancerous...
Intense Pulsed Light (IPL): What You Should Know
In a perfect world, we would all be comfortable in our own skin. However, there are plenty of reasons we might be less than satisfied with our outward appearance. Sometimes, an underlying disease or...
Dermatologist Approved Laser Tattoo Removal Is an Option
Getting a tattoo is a major decision. This ink-based artwork that penetrates the skin is meant to last, and anyone who signs up for a tattoo is looking for a permanent addition to their outward...
You Can Have Fewer Wrinkles: Ask Your Dermatologist About Skin Therapies
When you look in the mirror each day, what do you see? Are your eyes fixated on every wrinkle and line that has formed on your skin? While our outward appearance doesn’t define us, the appearance...
Could You Have Eczema or Dermatitis? Know the Signs and Symptoms of This Skin Condition
As the body’s largest organ and the first line of defense against external forces, our skin faces many threats, and in most cases, it’s well prepared for the job. However, plenty of things can...
Shaving Doesn’t Work: Why Laser Hair Removal Gets Better Results
Shaving has long been a ritual for both men and women looking to keep unwanted body hair at bay. But, as anyone who regularly shaves knows, these results are only temporary, and sometimes shaving...
How Regular Screenings Prevent Melanoma and Other Skin Cancers
According to the American Academy of Dermatology, skin cancer remains the most prominent form of cancer in the U.S., affecting millions of Americans each year. There are multiple types of skin...
Do Over-the-Counter Wart Treatments Really Work?
While most common warts don’t pose any serious health risk, they can certainly be a pain to deal with, both physically and emotionally. Fortunately, warts typically go away on their own. However, it...
Why More People Are Choosing CoolSculpting Over Liposuction for Losing Fat
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle can undoubtedly improve every aspect of our lives, including the way we feel about our appearance. That said, achieving your ideal body might seem out of reach no...
Identifying and Treating Sebaceous Cysts and Acne
Our skin is porous for a reason. Without pores, our bodies would have no natural way of cooling themselves down, and our skin would easily dry out. Of course, pores aren’t purely positive. As is the...
What are the Best Laser Treatments for Healthier Looking Skin?
Lasers may have gained their popularity through science-fiction stories and action movies, but these powerful beams of light are so much more than pop-culture plot devices. Indeed, lasers are very...
5 Nail Abnormalities Your Dermatologist Can Treat
Believe it or not, the state of our fingernails and toenails can sometimes suggest something about our overall health. Signs of nutritional deficiencies, arthritis, heart disease, and more can all...
Do I Need to See a Dermatologist About Scalp Psoriasis?
With so much on your plate each day, it can be difficult to find the time or energy to see a dermatologist, even if your skin is acting up. That said, some skin conditions are so debilitating that...
Is There a Cure for Adult Acne?
If there’s any upside to acne, it’s knowing that you’re not alone in your struggle. Indeed, the vast majority of the world’s population has suffered or suffers from acne to varying degrees. Acne...
5 Times Dermatologists Recommend Mole Removal
Moles are extremely common skin growths that result from the clustering of melanocytes (pigmented cells.) The majority of moles are benign, posing no real threat to one’s health. However, some moles...
Should I Get Mohs or Another Type of Skin Surgery?
There are so many ways to take care of your skin. You might moisturize daily, exfoliate on a regular basis, drink lots of water, get a good night’s sleep, and maintain a healthy diet. But no matter...
Cosmetic Dermatology: How Long do Dermal Fillers Last?
Wrinkles are simply a fact of life. However, that doesn’t mean you can't fight back against the effects of aging on your skin. In addition to keeping your skin healthy and hydrated, there are...
5 Ways Cosmetic Skin Treatments Help You Look Great Without Makeup
Plenty of people enjoy putting on makeup and love the way they look wearing it. For some, though, makeup can simultaneously be a crutch and a burden. If you’re unhappy with your skin’s natural...
Should You Wear Sunscreen Year-Round?
To avoid sun-damaged skin, responsible adults usually apply sunscreen to their exposed skin before soaking up some rays. Indeed, covering up with sunscreen is key to protecting your skin during...
Winter Skin Tips: Caring for Dry and Chapped Skin
Winter is rough for many reasons. Short days can be depressing, cold weather is often uncomfortable, and heavy snow can make driving dangerous. In addition to these seasonal woes, your skin may bear...
Hair Loss and Alopecia: When Should I See a Dermatologist?
For so many of us, our hair is a major part of our identity. Whether you enjoy styling your hair a certain way, change it up on the regular, or prefer no hair at all, having control over this part...
Skin Cancer Screening: Catch Skin Cancer Earlier
The Skin Cancer Foundation informs us that 1 in 5 Americans will develop some form of skin cancer before the age of 70. Indeed, skin cancer is the most pervasive cancer both in the U.S. and around...
Will I Still Get Herpes Zoster (Shingles) if I Had Chicken Pox?
Shingles is one of the more painful and potentially aggressive skin conditions one can develop. And, unfortunately, it’s relatively common in adults. It’s estimated that over 200,000 people are...
Not Sure if Your Rash is Rosacea? Your Dermatologist Can Help
Most skin conditions display visible symptoms. And as it turns out, many of these symptoms can look and feel quite similar. Because of this, it’s often difficult to determine the actual problem on...
Mohs Surgery to Remove Scalp Lesions: What to Expect
Skin cancer can occur anywhere on the body, but certain areas are more susceptible than others, especially those that are regularly exposed to sunlight. As such, it’s most common for cancerous...
Why Your Dermatologist May Recommend Mohs Surgery for Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC)
On average, more than 5.4 million cases of nonmelanoma skin cancer are treated every year in more than 3.3 million patients, according to The Skin Cancer Foundation. This type of skin cancer comes...
Consider Adding These Cosmetic Services to Your Acne Treatment
If you’ve struggled with acne for some time, you’ve probably tried to control and/or prevent breakouts in various ways. For some, over-the-counter medications containing benzoyl peroxide, salicylic...
How to Get the Best Results from Your Spider Vein Treatment
We all have blood pumping through our veins. Inside these veins are valves that pump blood back to our heart. If these valves weaken for whatever reason, though, some of that blood hangs back and...
How to Treat Nails with Abnormal Shape and Texture
We tend to treat our fingernails and toenails as merely cosmetic features. Maintaining their appearance is akin to getting our hair cut on a regular basis or shaving our unwanted body hair. However,...
Effective Treatments for Relieving Contact Dermatitis
If you’ve ever broken out in a rash or blisters after touching something or rubbing something on your skin, you’ve experienced what dermatologists call contact dermatitis. While this skin condition...
Can I Reverse Pattern Alopecia?
When you look in the mirror, what’s the first thing you notice? If you’re losing your hair, chances are your eyes are fixed on your scalp and what’s lacking, thinning, or receding. The good news is...
How Can Your Diet Affect Acne?
If you suffer from acne, you’ve probably done your homework on home remedies and other ways to prevent or combat outbreaks. During your research, you may have come across several articles, studies,...
What to Expect from Your Skin During Pregnancy
Pregnancy is a life-altering event in more ways than one. Not only will your daily habits, social life, and sleeping patterns begin to change during these nine months -- your skin will undergo...
5 Most Popular Aesthetic Treatments for Men
Historically, most cosmetic dermatology products and advertisements were aimed at women. Today, while women still make up the majority of this market demographic, more and more men are beginning to...
How Soon Should I Start an Anti-Aging Skin Care Routine?
At a certain point, most of us would prefer to keep our age a secret. And yet, our skin has a habit of giving this secret away. But while there is no way to turn back the clock, there are several...
8 Enlightening Tips for Treating Dark Under Eye Circles
They say the eyes are windows to the soul. And yet, the skin underneath one’s eyes can provide an even clearer view of one’s lifestyle, mental state, and genetic makeup. There are many potential...
6 Ways to Treat Stretch Marks
When we think of scarring, we often attribute it to a deep cut, stubborn pimple, harsh burn, or some other kind of tangible wound. And yet, some scars appear gradually, without any sudden impact....
Insurance and Your Dermatology Visit: How to be Prepared
Health insurance is a complex, often confusing, subject. In the U.S., individuals are faced with thousands of providers and plans based on their region, income level, employment status, age, and...
How to Get Ready for a Chemical Peel
Chemical peels are popular cosmetic dermatology treatments that can yield several benefits for various skin types. When performed properly by a certified practitioner, a peel can reduce...
Laser Hair Removal: Show Off Your Smoothest Skin Ever
No matter how strong your skincare routine is, one feature tends to get in the way: hair. There is nothing wrong with bodily hair, of course, and most people want to keep at least some of it around...
Prepping Your Skin for Perfect Makeup with Dermaplaning
Everyone who wears makeup approaches their cosmetic routine differently, but if there’s one thing they all have in common, it’s that they want their makeup to look great, feel natural, and stay on...
Why You Get Acne Scars and How to Prevent Them
Identifying and Preventing Acne Scars Most people will battle acne at some point in their lives, though some have it worse than others, especially during adolescence. And even after your acne clears...
Skin Cancer Awareness Month: Why Early Detection is Crucial
The Importance of Early Detection of Skin Cancer It seems like there’s a day devoted to just about everything now: coffee, cats, pancakes, the list goes on. And while these mini-celebrations are...
Skin Cancer Awareness Month: 3 Things to Watch Out for When You’re Looking for Skin Cancer
Here Are 3 Skin Conditions to Look for When Checking for Skin Cancer Skin Cancer Awareness Month spans the month of May. During this time, healthcare professionals, cancer specialists, and other...
Skin Cancer Awareness Month: 5 Best Tips for Protecting Yourself
How to Protect Yourself from Skin Cancer Skin Cancer Awareness Month, which goes on all through the month of May, is a health initiative aimed at informing the public about skin cancer risk factors,...
Skin Cancer Awareness Month: Knowing Your Treatment Options
Know How to Treat Your Skin Cancer The month of May is Skin Cancer Awareness month, which aims to educate as many people as possible about skin cancer to reduce the number of cases in the U.S. and...
Skin Cancer Awareness Month: Identifying the Early Stages of Skin Cancer
What to Notice in the Early Stages of Skin Cancer The most prevalent form of cancer in the U.S., skin cancer, is always worth keeping top of mind. Of course, most of us have enough to think about as...
Skin Cancer Awareness Month: Why You Should Never Leave Skin Cancer Untreated
Get Ahead of Treating Your Skin Cancer As Skin Cancer Awareness Month continues this May, it's the perfect time to discuss the importance of early detection and treatment of skin cancer. It may seem...
Skin Cancer Awareness Month: Can You Tell If a Spot is Cancerous?
How to Tell if a Spot Is Cancerous Skin Cancer Awareness Month is dedicated to keeping us informed about the severity and prevalence of this disease, so there are fewer cases and related deaths in...
Skin Cancer Awareness Month: Do You Know the Risk Factors for Skin Cancer?
What Are the Risks of Skin Cancer? According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, 1 in 5 Americans will develop skin cancer by the time they’re 70 years old. This shocking statistic is somewhat balanced...
Skin Cancer Awareness Month: Ultraviolet Radiation Explained
Understanding Ultraviolet Radiation Treatment Skin Cancer Awareness Month is all about delivering crucial information to the public regarding the prevention, detection, and treatment of skin cancer....
Skin Cancer Awareness Month: Sunscreen 101: The Latest Products on the Market
The Newest and Best Sunscreens for Summer Spreading the word about skin cancer prevention is a major goal of Skin Cancer Awareness Month. And one of the best ways everyone can protect their skin...
How to Lessen Summer Sun Damage
Summertime is all about having fun in the sun. And while soaking in those rays can have its benefits, too much sun exposure can be detrimental to your skin and your overall health. No one enjoys the...
6 Tips for Hot Summer Legs
Summer is upon us, and that means it’s time to show off some skin. Of course, some of us are more comfortable in our skin than others. While we should embrace the body and skin we’ve been given,...
The Art of Subtlety: Natural Results with Fillers
The field of cosmetic dermatology is dedicated to enhancing the appearance of one’s skin, which in turn can boost one’s confidence and mental health. Of course, there are many ways to achieve these...
Bridal Beauty Bootcamp: The Pre-Wedding Treatments You Need
Wedding planning isn’t just about sending invitations, picking out a cake, buying a dress, and finding a venue -- it’s also about looking your best for your special day. On your wedding day, you...
Happy Father’s Day: Help Your Special Man Look and Feel His Best with these Treatments
Father's Day Skin Treatment Gifts With Father’s Day just around the corner, how are you planning to celebrate your special man this year? You could opt for a traditional gift like a new watch or...
Top Treatment Options for Melasma and Brown Spots
Even the most minor irregularity or change in your skin can strike a major blow to your self-esteem. Melasma is no exception. This skin condition which most commonly affects women results in dark,...
What Causes Excessive Sweating?
Sweat serves an important natural function in our bodies, reducing our internal temperature when things get too hot. However, some individuals find themselves perspiring in circumstances that...
Setting the Record Straight on Tanning Myths
Are you trying to get tan this summer? Not so fast. While plenty of people enjoy getting some additional color in their skin after a long, cold winter, you have to be careful when soaking up the...