Patient Education
Live Better
Do you feel it’s important your dermatologist listen to your concerns and act with genuine care and expertise? We do, and that is the way we have been caring for our patients since we opened our doors. Our first priority when treating you is to take the time to learn about you and your skin health, from your perspective. Then our board-certified dermatologist steps in and evaluates and performs tests as necessary to begin the proper course of treatment as soon as possible.
If you’re concerned about a dermatological issue, let us help. For newborns to geriatric patients, below is a list of just some of the conditions we treat. Whether your concern involves acne, a rash, or skin cancer removal, we use state-of-the-art technology and treatments to deliver the healthy skin you deserve.

Happy Father’s Day: Help Your Special Man Look and Feel His Best with these Treatments
Father's Day Skin Treatment Gifts With Father’s Day just around the corner, how are you planning to celebrate your special man this year? You could opt for a traditional gift like a new watch or...
Top Treatment Options for Melasma and Brown Spots
Even the most minor irregularity or change in your skin can strike a major blow to your self-esteem. Melasma is no exception. This skin condition which most commonly affects women results in dark,...
What Causes Excessive Sweating?
Sweat serves an important natural function in our bodies, reducing our internal temperature when things get too hot. However, some individuals find themselves perspiring in circumstances that...
Setting the Record Straight on Tanning Myths
Are you trying to get tan this summer? Not so fast. While plenty of people enjoy getting some additional color in their skin after a long, cold winter, you have to be careful when soaking up the...
Kids and the Sun: How to Protect Your Little Ones This Summer Season
Just about everyone enjoys soaking up the sun, but too much sun can damage your skin. Of course, even if you know this, your kids might not. Indeed, kids are even more susceptible to developing sun...
Wear a Healthy Glow with these Self-Tanning Tips
After several months of minimal sunshine, cold days, and dry skin, it’s no wonder so many people can’t wait to bathe their bodies in the sunlight once summer comes around. Of course, spending too...
Hyaluronic Acid: What You Should Know About This Skin Care Superstar
Thanks to the forces of evolution, our bodies are capable of so many things. In fact, most of us come equipped with a natural supply of hyaluronic acid (HA), a substance that retains water, aids in...
How to Know it’s Time to Schedule a Cosmetic Dermatology Appointment
Maintaining healthy, beautiful skin is a multi-faceted effort. Most people should see a medical dermatologist about once a year (perhaps more or less depending on the person) to check for changes in...
Buyer Beware: How to Spot Scam Hair Loss Products
Pervasive problems provide ample opportunities and incentives for inventors, scientists, entrepreneurs, and marketers to find and sell a solution. And few problems are more pervasive than hair loss....
7 Summer Skin Issues and How to Treat Them
Your skin might have a love/hate relationship with summer. On the one hand, the summer months provide warm, sunny days that encourage outdoor activity and bare skin. On the other hand, all of this...
Lessen Irritation from Wearing Face Masks / PPE
The COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has changed many aspects of life, from the way people conduct business to the way people conduct themselves in public. Currently, medical experts generally agree...
What Are The Best Dermatology Treatments for Mature Skin?
As much as we would all like to hang on to our youthful skin, the forces of time and gravity are far beyond our powers. As we age, our skin naturally starts to thin, lose its elasticity,...
Find Relief from Hyperhidrosis With This Treatment
Everyone sweats -- it’s our body’s natural way of cooling itself down. Some people, however, sweat more than others, even when the situation wouldn’t typically call for perspiration. This...
Sunburnt? Here’s What to Do Now
Sunshine can feel great on our skin, but too much of it can cause your skin to burn, especially if you’re not armed with the proper protection, such as sunscreen (30+ SPF) and protective clothing....
How to Remedy Thinning Lips
It’s no secret that our skin changes as we age. Most of us know the tell-tale signs of aging: wrinkles, under-eye circles, and pigmentation changes. However, these aren’t the only developments that...
Is Your Acne Really Pityrosporum Folliculitis?
Our skin can react in many different ways when responding to threats. In some cases, it is relatively easy to determine the issue by simply viewing the visible signs and symptoms. In other cases,...
Our Best Tips For Slowing Your Skin’s Aging Process
As long as time keeps moving forward, our bodies will naturally and gradually undergo the aging process. When and how this aging process reveals itself varies from person to person -- some...
What Prescription Medications Might be Affected by the Sun?
Taking good care of your body can be a delicate process. When something goes wrong, it’s best to seek help from a medical professional who can prescribe you with certain medications to treat...
What’s the Best Moisturizer for Your Skin?
No matter how much or how little you focus on your skin, you’ve probably heard about the merits of moisturizing enough to fill several lifetimes. Indeed, moisturizing (along with staying hydrated)...
The Best Ways to Prevent Dryness in Summer Months
We often associate dry skin with the cold winter months, but summer conditions can lead to dryness, too. Regions with hot, dry climates tend to have the worst effects on one’s skin -- the lack of...
Easy Nighttime Beauty Rituals for Great Skin
A good night’s sleep goes a long way toward maintaining our body’s overall functioning and health. It’s no surprise, then, that missing out on sleep can negatively affect our focus, mood, energy...
6 Ways You Can Boost Your Self-Esteem with Cosmetic Dermatology Treatments
Though self-esteem ultimately stems from within, the way we feel about our outward appearance certainly affects our confidence. Most of us take issue with at least one aspect of our appearance --...
Avoid These Common Sunscreen Mistakes
By now, most of us have heard a thing or two about the importance of wearing sunscreen. Whether or not we like slathering it on, sunscreen acts as a protective shield against the sun’s ultraviolet...
How You Can Achieve Smoother Skin Today
Our skin’s texture is determined by a number of internal and environmental factors. Genes, hormones, blood circulation, humidity, UV rays, pollution, and more, all play a role. It’s not always easy,...
Can You Minimize Freckles?
People may have wildly different feelings about their freckles. Some people love them and feel that these features add character to their overall appearance. Others, however, may feel that their...
Get Rid of Unsightly Body Acne Today
Most discussions surrounding acne focus on the face. After all, the face is the most prevalent location for acne, and also the most noticeable. However, acne can occur wherever hair follicles are...
6 Simple Tips for Preventing Dry Skin This Fall
As the leaves dry up this coming autumn, so might your skin. Don’t let all that effort you put into maintaining well-hydrated, smooth, radiant summer skin go to waste. Here are our top six simple...
Do You Have Dehydrated Skin?
Most of us know what it feels like to be internally dehydrated, but we might not notice when our skin is dehydrated. General dehydration and skin dehydration go hand in hand. However, identifying...
How Stress Can Affect Your Skin
Everyday life can be stressful enough -- and in a year as turbulent as 2020, most of us are feeling even more stressed out than usual. While stress has historically been considered merely a...
How to Ease Discomfort From Poison Oak and Poison Ivy
Autumn offers some of the best days to get outside and enjoy a brisk hike in the woods. However, enjoying the great outdoors can put your skin in harm’s way. In addition to threats like sunlight and...
What To Do About Crow’s Feet
The skin around the eyes is often one of the first places people begin to notice signs of aging. Those lines that form at the outside corners of the eyes are so common that they’ve been colloquially...
Is Your Skin issue Actually Caused by Seasonal Allergies?
When your skin is suffering, it’s not always easy to identify the root of the problem. After all, itchy, flaky, red skin can come about for a variety of reasons, especially if you have sensitive...
What Are Sebaceous Cysts and How to Treat Them
Skin growths come in many forms -- cysts happen to be one of them. Many types of cysts exist, too, some of them occurring deep within the body, never making an appearance on the skin at all. Others,...
5 Surprising Makeup Tips for Aging Skin
It’s no secret that the passage of time can have undesirable effects on our skin. So while maintaining a proper skincare routine is important at any age, it’s especially important as you get older....
Getting Your Skin Ready for Winter
Winter weather is on its way, and it might not be long before your skin starts to feel the effects of the season’s shorter days, colder temperatures, and drier air. The dryness of both the outdoor...
5 Tips for Preventing Dry, Cracked Lips
As most of us know from experience, the upcoming dry season can take a toll on our skin. In addition to aggravating eczema, psoriasis, and other skin issues, winter conditions commonly lead to dry,...
Make Your Skin Look Radiant with Dermaplaning
How can you achieve smooth, radiant skin? It’s a question asked by many, and there’s no single answer. Those who work in the field of cosmetic dermatology can tell you that attaining and maintaining...
Cocktail Party Coming Up? How To Get Rid of Unwanted Hair
The event landscape has certainly been altered this year. As communities continue to commit to social distancing and other precautions, you might not be attending a cocktail party or similar...
What Facials Can Do For Your Skin After a Hot Summer
Summer may be officially over, but its effects on your skin may linger throughout the fall. Most of us spend more time outdoors in the summer, leaving our skin vulnerable to the sun’s ultraviolet...
How to Treat Maskne for Better Skin
Ever since new protocols were implemented encouraging us to wear masks, social distance, and practice excellent hygiene due to Coronavirus, there have also been new skin concerns because of these...
What You Can Do About Leg Veins
As the weather cools down, you might not plan on showing off your legs that much, but those with protruding leg veins may suffer from low self-esteem regardless of their veins’ visibility....
5 Best Ways to Manage Your Rosacea in the Cooler Months
Rosacea is a common skin condition, but it’s still not completely understood. While medical researchers can’t identify a root cause of rosacea, it seems that genetics and environmental factors play...
Not Sure What’s on Your Skin? It Could Be a Fungal Infection
Unfortunately, there is often an overlap between the signs and symptoms of different skin conditions. The untrained eye might not be able to distinguish one skin problem from another, which is why...
De-stress Pre-holiday with These Facials That Allow You to Relax
While many of us look forward to the holidays, there’s no denying that this time of year can cause plenty of stress, too. Traveling, hosting, socializing, gift-giving, and getting away from work is...
Enjoy a Fall Facial and Look Your Best This Season
There are many reasons to love fall. This transitional season yields vibrant colors, rich food, and plenty of outdoor activities before winter sets in. However, fall weather is not always so kind to...
How Dermal Optical Thermolysis (DOT Therapy) Can Help Your Skin This Winter
Most of us are quite familiar with winter’s negative effects on our skin. The colder months can quickly dry out our skin, exacerbating wrinkles and lines, flaring up eczema and acne, and causing...
Choosing the Best Procedure for Your Vitiligo
Our skin gets its color from melanin, a pigment produced by skin cells known as melanocytes when the skin is exposed to sunlight. For reasons not yet fully understood by medical professionals, some...
Unwanted Pigmentation? Enjoy Clear Skin with Laser Treatments
Achieving smooth, even-textured skin can be a challenge for those with conditions and skin types that result in unwanted pigmentation. There are various topical creams, prescription drugs, and...
7 Ways Dermaplaning Makes Your Skin Look and Feel Better
Dermaplaning is an increasingly popular manual exfoliation method for various skin types. During this non-invasive cosmetic procedure, a 10-gauge surgical scalpel is carefully guided across the top...
It May Not be the Holiday Stress. You May Have Alopecia.
Even if you always look forward to the holidays, this time of year can induce lots of stress. Stress doesn’t just take an emotional toll -- it can have physical effects as well. You might get tense,...
Best Ways to Handle Winter Skin Dryness and Dermatitis
Winter can wear us down in a number of ways. The short days and freezing temperatures might not only affect our mood but our skin as well. Dry skin is a common ailment during these colder months,...
Enjoy a Chemical Peel to Get Rid of Signs of Holiday Stress
It’s normal to have mixed feelings about the holidays. This time of year is undoubtedly filled with joyous moments, spirited reunions, delicious food, and gift exchanges. However, the holidays are...
Best Winter Skin Care for Acne Prone Dry Skin
If your skin is highly susceptible to acne, it might not take much to trigger a breakout. And when winter rolls around, your flare ups might increase in frequency and severity thanks to the drier,...
Be Confident at Your Holiday Party with These Skin Care Treatments
If you are planning on attending a holiday party, you still will want to look and feel your best no matter how small or limited the festivities may be this year. Indeed, the state of your skin can...
See How Our Experience with Vitiligo Can Help You
Vitiligo is a relatively common skin ailment that results in the formation of white patches on the skin. Despite the prevalence of vitiligo, though, the causes of this condition remain mostly a...
How to Handle Psoriasis This Winter
For so many people, winter translates to dry, itchy, irritated skin. And if you already suffer from psoriasis, your symptoms might only get worse during the colder weather. Why is this, though? And...
5 Ways to Handle Hyperhidrosis in the Winter
During winter, most of us worry about freezing in the cold, dry air. However, about 1 in 50 Americans must also contend with excessive sweating -- yes, even when it’s cold outside. The medical term...
New Year, New Skin. Why You Should Try a Chemical Peel
This past year has been such a whirlwind that it’s hard to believe 2021 is right around the bend. And yet, we are quickly approaching a brand new year. While the transition from one year to the next...
Arm Yourself with Knowledge. Here Are the Top 5 Things to Know About Skin Cancer
Summer has been over for several months now, but that doesn’t mean it’s time to put away the sunscreen and lower your defenses against skin cancer. On the contrary, now is a great time to brush up...
Laser Therapy: From Stretch Marks to Tattoo Removal
Finding the right solution for your skin problems can be challenging. Your skin might not respond well to ointments, oral medications, and other more traditional options. In recent decades, however,...
Top 10 Fungal Treatment Options
Fungi are all around us. And unless we live in a bubble of some sort, our bodies are bound to encounter these spores at some point. People contract fungal infections by either inhaling, ingesting,...
The Top 3 Minimally Invasive Skin Procedures
There is no shortage of ways to care for your skin and improve its appearance. And while daily rituals like exfoliating, cleansing, and moisturizing can go a long way on their own, they alone might...
What Is Light Therapy, and Is it Right For You?
Our environment and genetics can take a toll on our skin’s appearance. If you suffer from acne, an uneven skin tone, sun damaged skin, scars, signs of aging, eczema, etc., you may have tried many...
How to Treat and Prevent Hives
While a number of skin conditions can lead to red, inflamed, itchy skin, hives are among the most common, affecting more than 3 million U.S. residents each year and 1 in 5 people during their...
How to Use Botox for Wrinkle Prevention
Like it or not, facial lines and wrinkles are all part of getting older. As we age, our skin becomes thinner and loses some of its elasticity, resulting in these visible impressions. In recent...
Still Excessively Sweating in the Winter? Try miraDry!
Wouldn’t it be nice if a new year meant the end of winter? Unfortunately, winter weather will be here for another few months or so, which means staying indoors, bundling up when outdoors, and...
Why a Hair Removal Treatment Is Just What You Need This Spring
You can almost smell it in the air these days -- spring is just around the corner. As the weather gets warmer and nature gradually bounces back, you might feel inspired to give your skin the love...
Try Lip Enhancement for the Perfect Summer Selfies
2020 was filled with restricted travel but offered innovative ways to share experiences with one another or simply enjoy time at home. If you’re hoping to take a road trip or or enjoy time in your...
How to Be Proactive with Your Stretch Marks
People tend to associate stretch marks (striae) solely with pregnancy. And while these spindly scars are commonplace for pregnant folks, you don’t have to have a bun in the oven to end up with...
Why Hyaluronic Acid Is Your Best Friend
Whether by design or by chance, our bodies are amazing organic machines that often come equipped with useful, sometimes necessary tools. Hyaluronic acid (HA) is one such tool in the toolbox. This...
Can You Really Get Rid of Freckles?
There’s no denying that freckles can add flavor to one’s appearance, which is why plenty of people who harbor these harmless spots learn to love them. Others, however, aren’t so fond of their...
I’m Not a Teenager. How Am I Still Getting Acne?
Acne and adolescence typically go hand in hand. But while most of us expect to break out during our teen years, finding a zit during adulthood can raise a red flag. Many of us have been conditioned...
How to Treat Spider Veins Before Swimsuit Season
Many areas in the U.S. are still months away from swimsuit season, but it’s never too early to start preparing your skin for the big reveal. Despite your best efforts to improve your skin’s health...
How to Know Whether You’re Aging Well or Not
Age may only be a number, but your skin might be all too eager to give it away. As time goes on, environmental and internal forces cause your body to change. In other words, aging is inevitable....
How to Deal with Rashes from Exercise
It’s no secret that getting regular exercise is important for your overall health, which in turn is good for your skin as well. That said, for some individuals, certain types of exercise can...
How Eating Fruits and Veggies Rejuvenates Your Skin
Most of us were taught early on about the importance of eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, primarily to maintain a steady metabolism. But did you know that eating a steady diet of these various...
How to Detect a Wart and What to Do About Them
Warts are common and, in most cases, harmless. But that doesn’t make these lumps and bumps any less bothersome. Indeed, while some warts go away on their own and barely make themselves known, others...
Springtime and Rashes. How to Enjoy the Sun Without the Rash
The cold temperatures and shorter days aren’t the only reasons winter can feel like such a drag -- in many areas across the U.S., the winter months also see far less sunshine than other seasons. Of...
Can You Be Too Young for Melanoma?
Discussions of skin cancer (and cancer more broadly) often revolve around individuals who are 60+ years of age. Indeed, 65 is the average age of individuals diagnosed with melanoma skin cancer,...
What Shingles Can Do to Mature Generations
The varicella-zoster virus (VZV) is particularly pernicious, posing the highest risk to individuals at the earliest and later stages of their lives. When contracted by children, this virus causes...
Celebrate Skin Cancer Awareness Month by Getting a Mole Evaluation
In many regions of the U.S., the month of May often feels like the true start of spring, featuring warmer temperatures, sunnier days, and the stunning return of various types of flora. This return...
How to Address Skin Issues Every Decade
Our skin isn’t meant to remain static. While it’s important to maintain healthy skin at all points of your life, the specific skin concerns you face will differ depending on your age. For instance,...
Acne and Pregnancy: How to Treat It Safely
Acne can strike at any age, but people tend to break out more frequently at certain stages of their lives. The hormonal rampage that occurs during puberty, for instance, contributes to acne...
How Allergies Affect Your Skin
For many people, springtime is synonymous with seasonal allergies. Pollen, plant life, pests, and plenty of sunshine can all trigger various allergic responses, such as sneezing, coughing, itchy...
What Processed Meats Can Do to Your Skin
Everyone’s skin is unique, but certain environmental factors have similar effects on people with all skin types. From foods that cause hives to those that contribute to a radiant complexion, the...
How to Get the Perfect Glow for Independence Day Without Hurting Your Skin
In the U.S., Independence Day is one of the most joyous celebrations of summer. With so many festivities surrounding the Fourth of July, you’ll want to look your best for whichever events you plan...
How the Summer Can Exacerbate Rashes
Those of us with sensitive skin are familiar with the ways in which cold, dry conditions can cause irritation and other skin problems. On the flip side, though, the warm weather found during summer...
What Products Should Everyone Have in Their Skincare Routine?
In this life, we’ve all got skin in the game -- literally. And because our body’s largest organ also happens to be exposed to the elements, it’s important to take protective measures. Experts...
How Athletes Are Susceptible to Warts
Warts are among the most common skin infections, but certain people are more likely than others to end up with warts based on their overall health, environmental conditions, and lifestyle. The two...
How to Protect My Skin with Rosacea in the Summer
If your skin suffers from rosacea, you’re certainly not alone. This common chronic disorder affects approximately 16 million people in the U.S. and counting, causing a range of symptoms such as...
Is Exfoliating Really Good for Your Skin and How Often Should You Do It?
As you dive deeper into the world of cosmetic dermatology and skin care, you’ll run into the term “exfoliation” quite a bit, right up there with “cleansing” and “moisturizing.” Indeed, exfoliation...
Worst Foods for Acne
When your skin breaks out, it’s only natural to wonder what caused it in the first place so you can avoid these outcomes in the future. Unfortunately, it’s not always easy to pinpoint what causes...
How to Know If Your Skincare Routine Is Working
Taking good care of your skin is important for your overall well-being, but it can be costly. With so many products on the market vying for your attention and hard-earned money, you want to be...
Why Acne Can Worsen in the Summer
Summertime is ripe for showing off your skin and enjoying the warm outdoor air. Unfortunately, your skin might not get along with the summer season as much as you’d like. In addition to the...
What Age Should I Start Regularly Seeing a Dermatologist?
Few people truly enjoy paying a visit to the doctor or dentist, but receiving regular check-ups is essential for keeping tabs on your health. The same rule applies to dermatology. Your skin is your...
What Areas of the Body Are Most Prone to Skin Cancer?
Ultraviolet (UV) radiation, whether from sunlight or tanning beds, remains the most prominent of all skin cancer risk factors. While skin cancer can technically occur anywhere on the skin, certain...
How Not to Overdo Botox and Fillers
There are many avenues one can take to mitigate signs of aging like wrinkles and fine lines. Eating well, getting enough sleep, and keeping your skin moisturized are all key to maintaining youthful,...
How to Find the Perfect Eye Cream
The skin around our eyes is thinner and more delicate than the skin covering the rest of our faces, making it more vulnerable to environmental threats and signs of aging. Indeed, the areas around...
How to Reduce Wrinkles After They’ve Appeared
Aging is a fact of life, but that doesn’t mean anyone looks forward to acquiring wrinkles. But while there’s no way to completely prevent the formation of wrinkles and lines, there are several ways...
Best Skin Products for Pregnancy and Breastfeeding
If you’ve ever known a pregnant person or been one yourself, you’re well aware of the toll a bun in the oven can take on one’s skin. It’s not uncommon to experience stretch marks, bulging veins,...